420 Old County Rd Pacifica, CA 94044

420 Old County Rd Pacifica, CA 94044


INSiGHT Scans at Coastal Family Wellness

INSiGHT Scans at Coastal Family Wellness

In the realm of healthcare, there's a longstanding reliance on traditional methods of diagnosis, often centering on symptomatology and visible signs of pathology through standard tests like blood work, MRIs, and EEGs. However, our approach at Coastal Family Wellness takes a different route. Led by our team of specialized pediatric and family doctors, we utilize an innovative tool known as the INSiGHT Scans to gain accurate insights into the health and performance of the Central Nervous System.

Navigating the intersection of technology and neurology can often feel daunting, but what sets our approach apart is the simplicity and clarity of our INSiGHT Scanning Technology. It's designed to be easily comprehensible, ensuring that parents and caregivers can grasp the essential information it provides.

So, let's delve into the Central Nervous System, the cornerstone of overall health for your child and your entire family. Comprising the Sensory, Autonomic, and Motor divisions, this intricate network orchestrates every internal bodily function alongside every movement and cognitive process. In essence, it serves as the 'Air Traffic Control' for the human experience, as aptly described by Dr. Bruce Lipton.

While much attention is often given to aspects like gut health, immune function, and motor skills, the nervous system remains a common thread tying them all together. Overlooking its significance could mean neglecting a fundamental aspect of your child's well-being.

The term 'autonomic' denotes functions that operate automatically, encompassing vital activities like eating, sleeping, digestion, and movement. Our ability to measure the efficacy of the nervous system in overseeing these functions is made possible through our INSiGHT Scans, which offer a straightforward, safe, and dependable assessment.

To understand our approach better, let's contrast it with traditional medicine and movement-based therapies. While the former tends to focus on symptoms and overt pathology, the latter, including physical and occupational therapy, emphasizes muscular function and movement. In contrast, our pediatric chiropractic approach zeroes in on assessing and optimizing nervous system function, recognizing its pivotal role in overall health.

So, how does the nervous system operate? It functions as a bidirectional communication system, with sensory nerves relaying information to the brain about both internal and external environments, while motor control nerves execute commands from the brain and spinal cord.

Given the immense responsibility of coordinating millions of cells in the body, the nervous system operates at lightning speed, ensuring seamless communication. Particularly during a child's formative years, when brain development is at its peak, ensuring optimal nervous system function is paramount.

In this context, an INSiGHT Scan emerges as an invaluable tool, offering precise insights into how your child's brain and nervous system are functioning and communicating. In comparison, traditional metrics like height and weight pale in significance when it comes to assessing overall well-being.

At Coastal Family Wellness, we're committed to providing comprehensive care that encompasses not just treating symptoms but understanding the underlying mechanisms driving health and function. Through our approach, we aim to empower parents with the knowledge they need to support their child's optimal development and well-being.

What Do the INSiGHT Scans Look For?

The INSiGHT Scans serve the purpose of detecting, monitoring, and comprehending the presence of subluxation and dysautonomia. When these conditions are identified, it's essential to ascertain two key aspects:

- The degree of severity, categorized as mild, moderate, severe, or intensive.

- The specific location within the neurospinal system where these issues predominantly manifest, aiding in targeted interventions.

- Excessive tension and stress concentrated in particular areas of the neurospinal system offer insights into the potential origins of various symptoms and conditions. Moreover, incorporating INSiGHT Scans into routine wellness assessments, even in the absence of symptoms, enables proactive identification and preemptive management of potential issues down the line.

Analogous to the fuse box in a home, the neurospinal system plays a central role in coordinating sensory and motor functions. While its complexity surpasses that of a fuse box, the fundamental principles of tracking and addressing issues remain consistent. In our practice, we utilize the Neuro Fuse Chart to effectively monitor and pinpoint the repercussions of subluxation and dysautonomia.

What Exactly are Subluxation and Dysautonomia?

To delve deeper into the concepts of subluxation and dysautonomia, you can explore further details through the provided hyperlinks (if accessing this digitally). These conditions bring about three primary challenges for the nervous system:

- Persistent stress, tension, and spasms.

- Imbalance and impaired coordination.

- Disarray and malfunction.

Indicators that your child's nervous system is experiencing stress, tension, and a state of hyperarousal, akin to the fight-or-flight response, may include:

- Colic and frequent crying during infancy.

- Increased tantrums and meltdowns in toddlers and preschoolers.

- Delays in motor skills and speech development.

- Difficulties with sensory processing and emotional regulation.

- Challenges such as ADHD and anxiety emerging later in school-aged children and teenagers.

One intriguing aspect observed through the utilization of INSiGHT Scans in our Pediatric and Family Practice is the consistent manifestation of stuck subluxation patterns across different age groups. Although labeled differently at various developmental stages, the underlying cause behind these challenges remains remarkably similar—an overwhelmed, imbalanced nervous system.

Regrettably, many pediatricians often dismiss neurodevelopmental and sensory challenges as part of normal development, assuring parents that their children will outgrow these issues. However, contemporary understanding reveals that such symptoms and conditions often signify underlying nervous system disturbances, a phenomenon referred to our doctors as, "The Perfect Storm."

Now that we've established the significance of INSiGHT Scans, feel free to call our office to learn more about them: 650-359-6800!

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