420 Old County Rd Pacifica, CA 94044

420 Old County Rd Pacifica, CA 94044

Belly Blossom Program

Become successful in Pregnancy from day one.

While drug-free chiropractic care is beneficial during every stage of pregnancy, it’s also helpful preconception. Often, women may carry a toxic load into pregnancy from foods they’re eating. We provide nutritional counseling that can help women to sustain a healthy pregnancy. Moreover, because chiropractic adjustments can reduce or eliminate nervous system interference, it may become easier to conceive.

Perinatal Chiropractic

Support your body & your baby through this incredible time!

While drug-free chiropractic care is beneficial during every stage of pregnancy, it’s also helpful preconception. Often, women may carry a toxic load into pregnancy from foods they’re eating. We provide nutritional counseling that can help women to sustain a healthy pregnancy. Moreover, because chiropractic adjustments can reduce or eliminate nervous system interference, it may become easier to conceive.

Chiropractic will support a natural labor and delivery as you will learn from the information we have provided for you here. we are looking forward to meeting the newest member of your family and continuing to guide you to a healthy lifestyle.

Pre-natal & Postpartum Chiropractic Care

A chiropractor is the only doctor on the planet trained to correct spinal and pelvic misalignments (we call these subluxations). Only a handful of chiropractors are specially trained to care for the special needs of pregnant women.

Specialized prenatal chiropractic care can enable you to experience the wonders of pregnancy and childbirth while reducing the chances of needing many medical interventions. Our doctors are specialized in the Webster Technique and have undergone extensive training to best help mamas during this time. 

Pregnancy care in our office includes postpartum care too! You body gradually changes a lot during pregnancy and when you deliver, you body has changes that happen almost instantly! We understand that is it hectic and challenging to keep appointments with a newborn. We are going to help with this transition. We include a post- delivery home visit to get mama checked and adjusted. During this same visit, we also do our newborn exam and check baby for their first adjustment. The birth process is a beautiful, but still stressful experience, for everyone involved. This is why it is so vital to get everyone checked as soon as possible, allowing the stress to be mitigated and allow the body to focus on resting and healing.

Benefits of Chiropractic During Pregnancy: 

Relieving pregnancy induced aches and pains

Facilitating optimal fetal development

Promoting a healthier pregnancy journey 

Supporting Postpartum Recovery

Maintaining Optimal Pelvic Alignment

Common FAQ's

What is Chiropractic?

What is Chiropractic?


Chiropractic is the largest healing profession in the world that uses the body's innate ability to heal itself. Chiropractors do not utilize drugs or surgery. They know that the nervous system controls all functions of the body. Chiropractors understand the close relationship of the spine and nervous system and focus their attention on maintaining proper alignment of the spine. They work to safely and gently correct misalignments (called subluxations) to restore optimal health and function for patients.

Is chiropractic safe during pregnancy?

Is chiropractic safe during pregnancy?


YES! Not only is it safe, it's beneficial to both mom and baby. Women who undergo routine prenatal chiropractic care typically, have more enjoyable pregnancies, shorter labor times and less need for medical interventions.

A chiropractor is the only doctor on the planet trained to correct spinal and pelvic misalignments (we call these subluxations). Only a handful of chiropractors are specially trained to care for the special needs of pregnant women. Congratulations on choosing one of those doctors!

Specialized prenatal chiropractic care can enable you to experience the wonders of pregnancy and childbirth while reducing the changes of needing many medical interventions.

Is chiropractic safe for newborns?

Is chiropractic safe for newborns?


YES! Newborns can (and should) receive a chiropractic check up soon after their birth. No matter how easy or difficult their birth was, they should be evaluated by your chiropractor to make sure your newborn has the benefit of a properly funcitoning nervous system.

What to Look for

Be sure to tell your chiropractor if you notice any of the following with your baby. Please note, this list is not all inclusive. Be sure to share any concern you have with your chiropractor so they can give you the best care possible:

- Inconsolable crying

- Gassy baby

- Frequent spitting Up

- Head turns to one side Prefers nursing on one side

- Projectile vomiting

- Arching the back

- Constipation

- Apparent Jaw discomfort

- Latching difficulties

- Not sleeping at least 2-3 hours at a time

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Benefits of Chiropractic During Pregnancy

Dr. Lisa provides gentle care to pregnant women. “We’re removing imbalances within their body,” she says. “Chiropractic is about working with the woman’s natural body movements and improving range of motion and functionality.” Dr. Lisa’s goal is to support moms-to-be in their birth goals, including home births. She had three home water births herself and brings a wealth of experience to the table.

She collaborates with midwives, doulas and, when needed, medical professionals as well.

  • Restore pelvic balance
  •  Control nausea or “morning sickness”
  •  Relieve back pain
  •  Reduce labor and delivery time

We Are Specialized inThe Webster Technique

Optimal fetal alignment, which is the head down position, is the proper birth position. This technique helps align the mom’s pelvis so your baby is encouraged to move into that positioning. When your body is properly aligned, most moms find labor to be faster, with less need for intervention. Your baby will be healthier as a result.

A healthier world begins with a healthier

pregnancy and birth.

- Dr. Larry Webster

A healthier world begins

with a healthier

pregnancy and birth.

- Dr. Larry Webster

Post Partum Care

Many moms find themselves facing a gap in care from delivery to their 6-week checkup. Dr. Lisa follows her mom’s through the entire pregnancy and the initial stages of post-partum. While birth is definitely a stressful event for your baby, it’s traumatic for you as well.

Dr. Lisa emphasizes the importance of checking both mom and her newborn as soon as possible after birth. Treatment promotes faster healing and helps you bounce back easier from the birth experience.

Your treatment plan carries you through this period before moving you into family care.

The Mama Method - Core Restore Program

Did you give birth or are about to and are now wondering how to start strengthening your body again? Or are you a seasoned mama still experiencing weakness in your core area or pelvic area? This Program is for you! This program is designed for new mamas to reconnect to the core, build the mind muscle connection after major changes in the core area after pregnancy and birth, restoring the core and rebuilding strength. While some breathing exercises and light exercises are safe to do shortly after birth, we do recommend waiting closer to 6 weeks postpartum or doctor clearance to start this or any other workout program. This program is safe for pregnant mamas as well (we recommend staying mindful in all movements and avoiding long periods of time in a supine position (30+ seconds in the second and third trimester or when experience any discomfort) Seasoned mamas may also benefit from this program, especially if you experience DR* symptoms or pelvic floor dysfunctions. *Diastisis Recti is the separation of the abdominal muscle rectus abdomens (two fingers width or wider and may cause back pain, bulging and coning of the abdominal wall under tension - to just name a few.)

Stop stitching together postpartum workouts from youtube, Pinterest, or Instagram and 'get with the program' - the Core Restore Program! Evidence based education on the core and postpartum recovery, progressive video lessons, and easy to follow workouts to help you get back into movement safely and restore your core after pregnancy and birth. This program will support you with identifying Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions and understanding signs and symptoms to look out for during everyday life movements to prevent worsening of common weaknesses in your postpartum body. This program is pre-natal safe, so please feel free to start this program while pregnant!

What's included:

  • Lifetime access to all videos and new updates
  • Postpartum Foundations including Core 101, alignments tips, breathing exercises and pelvic floor exercises
  • 20 easy to follow - no repeat workouts designed for postpartum mamas (more workouts will be continuously added)
  • Clickable calendar for accountability and fast and easy access Relaxing stretch videos for rest days
  • Detailed e-book about postpartum recovery with additional resources Printable PDF templates (workout planner, weekly + daily planner and more)

Follow Maike on Instagram @themama_method

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