420 Old County Rd Pacifica, CA 94044

420 Old County Rd Pacifica, CA 94044


Pediatric Chiropractic at Coastal Family Wellness

Pediatric Chiropractic at Coastal Family Wellness

The Importance of Spinal Checks After Birth

Chiropractic care for children is essential for promoting overall well-being by regulating the nervous system, which plays a pivotal role in their growth and development. From the moment of birth, children are exposed to various forms of stress: physical, chemical, and emotional. These stresses can impact their nervous system, potentially leading to issues such as colic, sleep disturbances, and developmental delays. By receiving chiropractic adjustments tailored to their unique needs, children can experience improved nervous system function, aiding in proper growth, immune function, and cognitive development. Addressing spinal misalignments early on can help mitigate the effects of stressors, allowing children to thrive and reach their full potential in a balanced and healthy manner.

It’s critical that all children be checked as soon as possible after birth. Even if your child doesn’t have any outward symptoms, there may be underlying conditions that haven’t surfaced yet. Coastal Family Wellness uses only very slight pressure (about the same used to check a tomato for ripeness) to adjust your baby. 

Adjustments Can Be Fun

Our practice is the opposite of clinical. Kids will feel at home here and not like they’re in a typical doctor’s office. We like them to come in and watch their mom or dad get adjusted first, so they become familiar with the doctors in the office. If that’s not possible, then she’ll bring them back to a kid-friendly exam room complete with toys, a swing, books and a big cozy chair.

Our doctors can adjust your child without them even realizing it. For example, we may have them sit in a swing while she’s doing cranial work. Or they may sit on Mom’s lap or even be asleep during the adjustment.

Our team makes adjustments fun. She usually lets kids bring one of their favorite stuffed animals in. Using the clicking toy Activator tool, children can “adjust” their animal first so that they can see exactly what we’re going to do.

At the end of the visit, we offer a reward system. Kids get a sticker and pick an item from the treasure chest.

Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic

Many common childhood conditions can improve with chiropractic care. These include:

  •  Allergies
  •  Asthma
  •  Colic
  •  Digestive problems
  •  Ear infections
  •  Latching difficulties
  • Speech Delays
  • Skipping developmental milestones
  • and so much more!

Schedule an Appointment Today

We look forward to helping your child enjoy better health through safe, effective and natural chiropractic care. Contact Coastal Family Wellness today to chat with our team 650-359-6800!

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